Monday, October 17, 2011

12 hours, 3 windows, 30 2x4s later

The Shack (read Shed) in numbers: 12 hours on Sunday, hung 3 windows and reframed 3 walls with almost 40 2x4s purchased thus far.

On Saturday we went to a Texas A&M Football game (Gig 'Em Aggies, A-Whoop!) so we didn't have much time left to work on the shed.  But that didn't stop us!

Last week we bought 10 2x4s for framing the windows (excluding the 10 pressure treated ones for the window casings) so we were up early on Sunday and ready to work.  By mid morning we had removed two walls of siding and framed 1 window.  The window was where the old entry point was, so it was just a matter or extending the opening and reframing the wall.

Our next task was to hang the two side windows, but quickly found rotten support beams, spliced studs, and even main support that wasn't nailed in!  It was horrible.  We quickly ran out of our supply of 2x4s and went to town for a Home Depot run.  We bought 20 more 2x4s and I got a tool belt! 

After many hours of rebuilding the wall we were able to install the other two windows.

We worked late into the evening, but I must say, I'm thrilled with the progress and cannot wait until we get to the other wall and doors next weekend.

How cute are our tool belts!? 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Mrs. Potter gets a Shack (I mean Shed)

Remember when I said to call me Mrs. Potter?  That's my new alter-ego and whom I will blame lawn and gardening purchases on in the future.  Mrs. Potter is a pot enthusiast.  Plants!  Get your mind outta the gutter.

So, Mrs. Potter needed a home/work space and we just so happen to have an old shed right next to the house.  Over the last few months the roof shingles have blown off and if you walk into the shed the roof beams hit you in the head if you're over 5'4" (guess it's a good thing Mrs. Potter is short).

By the way, Jeff is the one who is evicting the lovely Mrs. Potter out of the garage (meanie) so he gets to do the lion's share of the overhaul on the shed.  Of course I'm helping, but in small segments.

So, the first task was to remove the roof and nasty wall covering/insulation.  Mission completed 2 - 3 weeks ago.

Then it was time for changing the low roof problem.  We decided to change from a barn style roof to a one that matched the house (A line?).  Since we have high winds we even added hurricane straps to the joists/beams.  Can you tell I'm not 100% up on the construction lingo?  That first weekend we had the roof re-pitched and laid with plywood and the interior stripped and ready for next steps.

While Jeff worked on the structure of the shed, I was busy planning the improvements.  I wanted more windows (currently there's two very small ones) and the orientation is weird.  The back of the shed is to the front of the house meaning you have to walk around the shed to get in.  The plan is to install antique wooden windows (add charm) and move the door from the back to the front.  Also, instead of a traditional door, we'll install a dutch door with a small antique window in the top.

First windows.  I went to the Habitat for Humanity ReStore in Austin but they were fresh out of wooden windows.  I then went to my fail safe - CRAIGSLIST!  I found a man in Luling (about 45 minutes from the house in a Southerly direction) selling windows for $15.00 each!  I went the next morning and bought 5 large windows and 1 small one.  I did this while Jeff was on the road one weekend.

Last weekend, Jeff came home and laid the roofing shingles.  His next task was to frame the windows.  We went to home depot and bought 2x4s, hinges and latches and carted our loot home.  Of course it rained, and rained, and rained so much of the work had to be done in the garage.  We're thrilled it  rained, but we could have done so much more work if it hadn't.

Next steps are to install the windows, move the door and then siding!!  More to come as the project moves towards completion.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Call me Mrs. Potter

The sitting area on the patio in the back of the house has been coming along nicely.  I've finished my project of stripping and refinishing the antique draw leaf pub table.  It's so beautiful that I want it in the house, but there's no room.  Besides, it was in such poor condition when I bought it that I had no problems thinking it would live on the patio.  My concession to it's beauty will be a custom cover that will protect it from the rain (if we ever get out of this drought!).

So, with the table in place, I have to focus on the seating.  I purchased fabric for the chair covers but then got really really lazy and started a different project.  I think by my Argentina trip I should have chairs...hopefully!

As I've been filling in the front and side beds I've been buying small additions to the potted plants and hanging planters for the sitting area.  Here are some updated pictures.  I really love coming out in the mornings, standing by the table and looking at the plant growth.  It's been very relaxing!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dang you Hobby Lobby and your sneaky ways!

You know.  You go to Hobby Lobby for one thing and they suck you in!  They get you with their 40% off signs and their charming holiday/seasonal decorations.  It's not fair I tell you!

Yesterday I had a mission.  I wanted to buy some glass rocks to fill a vase at work and a strand of LED battery operated white lights which will be used as book ends.  Short, sweet, and simple list.

And then the 40% seasonal section pulled me in!  There were pine-cone candle holders, a welcome sign, metal pumpkins and so much more.  Then there was the Christmas section!  I filled my cart up with goodies.  After doing a mental tally, I put all of the Christmas decor back and focused on autumn items.

I ended up buying things to make a seasonal wreath (much cheaper than the ready-made ones ad so much more personal) and will post a picture of it later, one metal pumpkin, the metal corn-ear welcome sign, three pine-cone candle holders with tapers, and fabric leaves.

I love, love, love everything I bought but wish that Hobby Lobby would space out the cuteness!  However, I'll come back for you Christmas decor...I promise!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Preparing for Fall

About two weeks ago I noticed that the zinnias that I planted as border flowers in early summer were looking a little I ended their short but fruitful lives.  It took a little courage, but I yanked about 30 - 40 plants out of the flower beds.  Of course it then looked stark and empty, so I set out on a border plant finding mission.

I visited no less than four nurseries and three home depots looking for lobelia or alyssum that first weekend.  I finally found one flat of lobelia at the Natural Gardener (my favorite organic nursery in Austin).  I grabbed it and literally ran to the cash register.  Of course, I got home and it covered about 1/2 of the beds, but by then the weekend was over and I had to return to my other life.

So, I made it through another week at work and on Saturday morning went out again to the Natural Gardener, Home Depot, The Great Outdoors (another favorite nursery), and Lowes searching for more Lobelia.  I found a flat of white alyssum at the Natural Gardener and another two flats at Home Depot! I brought those home (along with some other much needed plants including a Mexican Fire Bush).

On Sunday I was feeling very low since I still did not have enough plants and I had visited every nursery in South Austin that I knew of.  I called my mom and we went on a nursery finding spree in North Austin!  We found two wonderful places and ended up buying tons of plants...including purple alyssum and more lobelia!  Apparently the seventh nursery is the charm.  With a final trip to Home Depot to pick up some medium height plants we returned victorious (and tired) to her house to unload.

It was a wonderful weekend.  I spent quality/fun time with my mom and she purchased all my plants for me.  What a good momma!

By the time I got home on Sunday I was too tired to plant, so I did it all on Monday evening.  Here are pictures from Tuesday morning.  Enjoy!