Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Spring Means Rebirth

Wow. I guess it's been awhile since I last posted an update!  So much as changed in the past few years.

  • The major change, we had our first child, WJ, and are expecting a second in August. Hopefully I can keep this blog updated more often - but hey, I'm not promising anything!
  • I've changed jobs and now work from home - which is amazing. I have wonderful co-workers and share my day to day space with the dogs.
Less intense updates on the house include "finishing" the potting shed, added flower and herb beds around it, we laid down a stone patio to the side of the shed, added two more raised veggie beds, made an office out of the unused loft space, and finally painted the big stair wall. Of course we made the second bedroom into WJ's room. 

Our current projects for this year include a white picket fence around the garden area and possibly building a second building in the back for my office since the new baby will take over the loft. I guess that's an ongoing conversation but we did print out plans and checked on building permits.